O-Canada Fernie Motel  8%22 x 10%22  Oil  2023  $350.jpg

Timothy Wilson Hoey

—  Timothy Wilson Hoey  —

Timothy's first solo exhibition at 17 served as a catalyst to start his creative path. Painter, sculpture, musician, photographer, tattooist, teacher and proverbial hewer of wood have all been hats he has worn. Already established as a visual artist, his O-Canada series began as a slight departure in the studio but has become a cross country visual road-trip. A solo exhibition in Trafalgar Square on Canada Day in 2013 gave Londoners a sense of Canada, and Ex-Pats reminders of home. The annual Canada Day Portage Shows have become iconic events to celebrate our people, places, icons and guilty pleasures.

"Canada's most unrecognized artist."
-Globe and Mail, July 1st, 2013

"If Hoey were any more Canadian, he would be a doughnut."
-National Post, June, 2012